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We honor and appreciate all of our veterans by offering a 10% discount on your stay. Thank you for your service!


49 Main Street/Rt. 16A, Jackson, NH 03846 | 603.383-6666 | 800-972-8343


On October 17, 2022 Brian and Diane Glidden bought the RiverWood Inn as a ninth anniversary present to themselves. They are so excited to be a part of the Jackson community. Being innkeepers has been a dream of theirs for a long time. Between their love of the mountains and cooking, this is a natural fit for them.

Both of them were in the technology field and looking for a big change and especially moving up to the mountains. Diane is an avid hiker and loves to help plan hikes for people. She’s hiked the 48 four thousand-footers in NH and working on her 52 With a View list now. She spent the past 7 years volunteering for the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) helping hikers plan their day and educating them about the area. Diane loves to cook and create unique breakfast dishes. She enjoys honing the craft of breakfast to make it a memorable experience.

Brian is excited to have a big garden to bring some fresh produce to our breakfast dishes. He also likes to putter in the yard and planting flowers. Brian enjoys spending time with our two mascots, Kylie and Tuckerman, our dogs. You may see them going for daily walks in Jackson Village. He also loves antique shopping and is excited to have an excuse to do it to decorate the inn.

Diane’s mom, Fran will be joining them to help out with the baking and bringing her famous cookies to the inn. Baking is her hobby and she’s so excited to be able to bake for our guests.

Also keep an eye out for Tuckerman and Kylie. They will live in the cottage with Brian and Diane and will say “Hi” when you walk by. Feel free to stop us if you see us out with them and we can introduce you. They are a bit shy but nothing a cookie won’t overcome.





InnKeepers@RiverWoodInn-Jackson.com RiverWood Inn | 49 Main Street/Route 16A | Jackson, NH 03846
2025 Copyright, all rights reserved. 603-383-6666 | 800-972-8343

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